Liri Calculator is a cross-platform, Material Design calculator, currently in alpha stage.
We aim to create a cross-platform calculator providing all the features you would expect from a modern calculator. Following Google's Material Design allows us to make interface clean and beautiful.

A calculator that gets out of your way
Liri Calculator has a simple and straightforward UI so you can focus on your task.

A calculator that lets you do more
In Liri Calculator you'll find all the basic calculator features. Whether you want to do simple or scientific calculations, Liri Calculator will not fail you.
Liri Calculator is community-driven open-source project. We rely on contributions to keep the project sustainable. Don't think you can only contribute if you know how to code! There are plenty of ways to help out:
Everything starts with an idea. If you're a designer, your contribution in form of mockups, sketches or other graphics are from great value for the whole project. Checkout the GitHub issue list and get in touch by joining our Community on Google+.
Writing code is without any doubt a fantastic way to contribute to the development of the project. Liri Calculator is written using Qt framework in C++ and QML languages. We use QtQuick Controls 2 and Fluid to create our Material Design based user interface.
git clone https://github.com/lirios/calculator
Your pull requests are always welcome!
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We want to build a calculator for everyone. In order to reach this goal, we need your help translating Liri Calculator into your language!
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